
September 5, 2012

Transformation...finding the right path

You all may have noticed that my crafting has slowed down a lot over the last couple of months.  Mostly that's been due to my having to travel back and forth to Sydney to help care for my mother who has been very sick.  Having just moved into an apartment by myself has also had a lot to do with it.  I am now paying much higher rent than I used to which has left me a bit strapped for cash and sadly, I was getting almost no sales (I wasn't even making enough to pay for the monthly site fee) on my web-store so I had to give it up.  I have now reached a stage where I am not making enough extra cash to cover the purchase of more supplies and that means I wont be spontaneously crafting much from now on.  This saddens me because I really wanted to make the web-store work.  But I'm keeping a positive frame of mind and am looking at it as a sign that its just not meant to be.

I have just started taking knitting commissions to help supplement my, admittedly low income.  I charge $12 an hour plus the cost of whichever of my handspun yarns you want to use, or I am happy to use your yarn.  All is open to negotiation and I will always endeavour to work out a price/system that is reasonable for both of us.  I generally only take orders for lace knitting at this point.  If you would like me to knit something for you please feel free to contact me on FB or by email.

As most of you are aware by now,  my life is taking a new (or old, depending how you look at it) direction and I am planning on going back to Uni next year to study art.  I have been working almost every day to dust off my extremely rusty skills.  I am having a hard time reconnecting with my inner artist and this is incredibly frustrating but I will persevere and I hope that soon the penny will drop and I will be back to my accustomed skill level.  Accordingly, this blog has undergone yet another transformation into an art and craft blog.  If you are not interested in this transformation I will totally understand but I hope all of you will stay with me and support this change.  Those of you who decide to stay with me are welcome, of course, to comment and have dialogue about what you see here but please remember that all images of artworks shown here are protected by international copyright and intellectual property laws so you may not reproduce them in any format without my express written permission...which, to protect my work, I am sorry to say will not be forthcoming.  I hope that you will continue to link to my blog (text links only please) and share it with your friends as much as you like.

That's it from me for now.  I think its time to get back to the drawing board.  Have fun till next time :oD

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